Try setting four big goals that can really make a difference in the long run for your organization, your customers, your employees and for YOU. (more…)
Do It Now!!!
“Do it now” is a very powerful and interesting technique to adopt, so you will not have too many regrets later in your life. (more…)
Special Mother's Day Blog Alert
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day….Many stores are open 24/7 so you have no excuse for not getting out there to select the perfect card for you mother. (more…)
Be Generous With Your Time
If it is true, as I believe , that we as leaders are here to serve, that means: (more…)
More From Mother
I have to admit that years ago Lee invited me to attend one of the Time Management seminars that he was teaching in Dallas. (more…)
Mother Knows
Everyone is different. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Look for the good in people, like every mother does. See my mother’s perspective on her two boys, my brother Jerry…