New Blog Post
Hi Everyone….Here is a link to an interview I did with Bloomberg Radio News on my new book, THE CUSTOMER RULES.
Had a great time also in Shreveport, Louisiana where I did a public workshop on leadership, management and customer service. The First United Methodist Church sponsored me. We had 325 attendees. Saturday morning I did a program for high school students in Shreveport. The attendees were very impressive. From what I saw from these students, our future looks bright. Take care…Lee
Great interview. After having just returned from a 3 day trip in Disneyland and an amazing customer service experience at the resort we wound up with an awful service experience on the flight home. It wasn’t about the delay that we experienced it was about the response we received. In your interview you talked about the employee focusing on the guest. That is the one issue that we noticed as the difference. At the airport the airline service person never once truly focused on us as the guest. Whereas, every single person at Disneyland focused in on us and our needs.