Lee Cockerell's Story (Podcast)

Creating Disney Magic with Lee Cockerell delivers lessons in leadership, management, and customer service.

In this introductory episode of Creating Disney Magic, Lee Cockerell tells his story, beginning with growing up on a farm in Oklahoma.

Lee is best known for his time as Excutive Vice President of Operations at Walt Disney World. You will hear the story of how Lee got to Disney, and some of the most valuable lessons he learned while there.

  1. I just listened to the new Pod Cast and I believe this is a great training tool for anyone wanting to be a better manager, leader or parent….If you like this Podcast please leave a comment

  2. I was planning to do exactly that, Lee! I have a skeleton administrative and front line staff and we have to all be intensely focused on customer service and managing our facility. In the past, I have used the customer rules audiobook and each of our employees has a copy of the Customer Rules. Thanks for your work on these and I wish you a great new year!

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