Often, people ask me about my morning planning time.
I like that question because morning planning has helped me create magic.
So many questions about morning planning time led me to create the Morning Magic Planning Course, which you can find here.
My career at Disney has been well documented on the Creating Disney Magic podcast, but you have to rewind nearly 40 years to discover one of the biggest secrets to my success.
Before I discovered the secret, I was disciplined, but not organized. At work, I kept putting off hard items. I would avoid certain projects and then dread the day when my boss would ask me about it. Then in 1980, I went to a time management seminar.
At this seminar, I learned about time management and morning planning. Since that day, I have spent 15 minutes planning every morning. Morning planning made me a new man. Since that day in 1980, I have been organized, I have kept my promises, I do what I say I am going to do, and people know I am reliable.
Here are the two things that will impact your career; a good attitude and being reliable.
A good attitude is up to you. But I can help you become more reliable.
Reliability comes back to planning. Fifteen minutes of planning is all it takes to remove distress.
Distress is when things feel out of control. When you spend your days dealing with whatever is thrown at you, it feels out of control.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can remove distress. You can remove regrets (if you don’t have regrets now you will later if you don’t take action to get your days under control).
You can get this under control.
This is why I developed the Morning Magic Planner and the Morning Magic Planning Course.
If you use this planner for 30 days, you will never want to go a day without planning time again.
Life is better when you are the one controlling it.
You know you have responsibilities you are not tending to and projects not getting finished. Subconsciously, this is putting more pressure on you and adding to your distress.
It’s never too late to get better. You can change if you want to.
Remember, things are never the way they are. Things are the way you let them be.
How much longer will you let things be this way?
You can get the Morning Magic Planning Course HERE. Or, if you want to use the planner without the course, enter your name and email address below: