Your Organization Cannot Operate in Silos

Your organization cannot operate in silosWhen I was Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World, Operations and entertainment sometimes had a conflict. The live shows were tremendous, but at times the cost was concerning. There was an entire operation to run, but live entertainment was a big piece of what people enjoy at the parks.

There are times when two department’s priorities conflict with each other.

The key is you both have to have a mindset that you are going to work it out. Get a team together to find a way to make it work. When the right experts are in the room, you can work out the details and come out feeling both sides get what they need.

If you go in with the attitude you are going to win, everyone will lose. You won’t look for a solution, you will just try to win.

There is no upside to winning when both sides are reaching for the same goal of serving the customer.

When you have a good attitude, you can avoid most of the problems.

Once you get people in the defensive mode, it can be difficult to get them out of being defensive.

Don’t fall in love with your idea. There could be a better solution. Give your point of view, but you have to be willing to listen, too.

The leader of an organization needs to be clear that you will not operate in silos. If one department doesn’t work, none of the departments will work. No department is more important than any other department.

To keep an organization from operating in silos, the leader must set high expectations, clarity of expectations, quality of hiring, and a high-level of training. Basically, it is your culture.