We don’t need more studies on the affect of excellent leadership. What we need is a whole lot more common sense.
Speaking of common sense, there are only 85 days left until my book is published. Go to my website for the latest update: www.LeeCockerell.com.
A 1999 study by AON Consulting found that “Of all the things a company can do, recognizing the importance of personal and family life remains the top driver of satisfaction and loyalty.”
Northern Telecom, Sears, MCI, and First Tennessee Bank all report finding direct links between employee satisfaction, employee retention, customer retention, and earnings.
A 2000 study by the Gallup Organization found having a “caring boss” was more important than money or benefits to the majority of the 2,000,000 employees surveyed. The same study reported both tenure and productivity were determined by employees’ relationship with their immediate supervisor.
In a 1999 national survey by MasteryWorks, 95 percent of employees polled said lack of a trusting relationship with their manager would drive them away. What would keep them, said 90 percent, were managers who showed them respect.
Dr. Linda Duxbury’s 1997 study of 27,000 employees found supportive managers were key to lower turnover.
Royal Bank Financial Group reported in 1998 that with 30 percent of their workforce on flexible work arrangements, they were more productive, experienced improved business performance and customer services, and were able to leverage technology.
A 2000 study by Vanderbilt University and Hewitt Associates found those companies on Fortune’s 100 ‘Best Companies to Work For’ list outperformed others with higher average annual stock returns and better operating performance.
A Watson Wyatt Worldwide Work USA 2000 study reports companies with highly committed employees had a 112 percent return to shareholders over three years, compared with a 76 percent return for companies with low employee commitment.
A Wharton School of Management/Drexel University study in 1998 found those working in supportive companies were committed, had higher aspirations, and were more likely to feel they could reach their career goals.
Duke University reported in 1997 that workplace stress was proven to be a source of depression, anxiety, anger, and physical health problems. A 1999 Kensington Technology Group study agreed; half of the workers they surveyed said it was the leading cause of accidents, mistakes, and higher absenteeism, and 75 percent said stress either causes most illnesses or makes them worse.
A 2000 study by the Australian Council of Trade Unions found when managers and supervisors were flexible and supportive, employees were less stressed, less depressed, and had less unscheduled absenteeism.
A 2001 Industrial Society study found those who used flexible scheduling outperformed those who worked traditional hours, had higher scores on resilience, leadership and commitment, and a 30 percent higher level of output.
Working Mother (October 2000) reports that since First Tennessee Bank started offering flexibility in 1992, average absenteeism dropped from six to one-and-a-half days, turnover went from 22 percent to 16 percent, and customer retention rose from 90 percent to 97 percent.
How many of YOU who are leaders out there want a leader like this? and how many of YOU are a leader like this? Can you be better? . . . Lee