Removing Hassles for Customers

Creating Disney Magic podcast Lee Cockerell Jody MaberryTo create a magical experience for your customer, you need to identify and remove any hassle the customer may encounter.

In this episode of Creating Disney Magic, we examine how you identify what is getting in the way of your customer having a better experience.

First, look at customer complaints and look for trends.

Next, ask your customers directly. Offer them something in return to sit down with you and answer questions for an hour. Find out what you do well and how you can do better.

Finally, sit down with your employees. Ask what you do well, how you can do better, and what rules and procedures they don’t like.

With those three steps, you can find the areas creating the most hassle for your customers. Now work on a new system, guideline, or procedure to remove the hassle from the customer experience.

During the episode, I explain some innovating ways we have removed customer hassles.

My Time Management Magic Course is now available. You can find it here.

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