"We Best Lead When We Serve Others!"Foellinger Foundation Rocks!

Hello Everyone

It is a beautiful morning in Provence with bright sun, blue skies, birds chirping, brooks flowing, grandchildren sleeping and 75 degrees. I will retire to the hammock after completing this blog post from my new friend Cheryl Taylor, whom made my day. Two weeks ago I presented a one hour lecture and a four hour leadership workshop for nonprofit organizations in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. The Foellinger Foundation sponsored me. They are an impressive foundation which does  tremendous work supporting non-profit organizations in the Allen County Community. I dread to think what kind of country we would have without nonprofits doing their work day in and day out for those in need. As many of you know, I am writing my second book  which will be on the subject of customer service. Real service comes from the heart. As I always say, “You have to go throught the heart to get to the brain.” Go out and serve somebody today. You brain will reward you with good feelings….Lee

PS: If you want to understand the highest level of service, just think about our troops. They are serving all of us by putting their lives on the line. They often give the ultimate sacrifice. Now that is real service!


Dear Lee:

Cheryl Taylor here, from the Foellinger Foundation in Allen County, Indiana.

I am not one who posts a lot on people’s blogs – in fact,
this may be a first – but I had to tell you the impact your presentation is
already having on the people of our community who are responsible for nonprofit
programs and services.

You were a big draw at our annual Williams Lecture,
attracting a crowd that may have set a record! More importantly, the nonprofit
leaders left engaged, inspired and ready to put your leadership principles into
practice. We’ve talked with a number who are already busy implementing your

Some of them are easy to implement, because not only are
they lessons in leadership, but lessons in Living. One colleague told me, “I
felt like I wasn’t the same person when I stood up after the presentation as I
was when I sat down; my viewpoints had changed”.

That’s pretty powerful, Lee!

As you may know, the nonprofit sector is crucial to economic
development and the well-being of a community. Here in Indiana,  Hoosiers
employed in the nonprofit sector are a potential economic force. So, giving
local nonprofit representatives new ways of thinking about their organizational
culture is a solid investment. I look forward to seeing how the Foundation’s
grantees will turn your leadership principles into “magic”, as they work to
improve the lives of Allen County residents.

Service. That’s the word I took away from your presentation.
As leaders, we lead best when we serve others: our grantees, our boards, our

I am sure there would be tremendous interest in your ideas
among the thousands of nonprofits nationwide, and among the foundations that
help support their good work. I know you honed your leadership principles in
the business world but your speech in Allen County and the response to it shows
that your principles are every bit as valid in the nonprofit sector.

Thank you!


Cheryl Taylor,


Foellinger Foundation

Phone 260-422-2900: Cheryl@FoellingerFoundation.org








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