Hello Everyone
Today’s Lessons in Leadership post is directed to recommending to you some books and programs that
have impressed me and of which I believe you will find value in as well. I frequently think about what is not working well in my life. A few months ago I
decided I was not reading enough. I started to schedule reading and now I go to
Starbucks every morning and read for an hour and then I go back at 4:00 p.m.
and read for another hour. It is always
good to get back to the basics in life. Reading and continual learning are two
of those basics. It is never too late to get better. Schedule the priorities in
your life….Lee
Books I recommend:
When All Hail Breaks Loose by Pat Day.
“Pat is the minister of the First Methodist Church in Shreveport, La. After reading this book, you too
will believe you can weather any storm life throws at you.”
Exceptional Service Exceptional Profit by Leonardo Inghilleri and Micah Solomon.
“Leonardo is a good friend of mine. Not a Facebook friend, a real friend. I hired him to be the senior executive of HR for Disneyland Paris. He went on to become the head of HR for Ritz Carlton. Everyone knows what a
wonderful experience it is to visit a Ritz Carlton.Reading this book will give
you many new ideas on how to dramatically improve service and profits in your
own organization.”
American Icon by Bryce G. Hoffman
“This book is a great text book on how to lead an organization in difficult times and in good times.
It is the story of how Allan Mullay became the CEO of the Ford Motor Company.
His mission was to save the company and he did just that by using his excellent
management and leadership talent to move Ford from massive losses to record
profits by focusing on the culture and the product. “
Drawing Families Together-One Meal at
A Time by Jill Kimball co-author of the Family Table Time
“This book will guide parents and families toward a strong understanding of what families can achieve
by eating dinner as a family on as many nights as possible. This insures
children realize how much of a priority they are in our lives. Parents have
their children doing a lot but are the parents being with their children enough
in the right environment? I think not.” This is way more important than straight A’s and soccer.
Are you reading enough? Are you spending the right amount of time with your family in the right way?…Lee
PS: And of course I recommend my book Creating Magic…10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies From a life at Disney
My new book, The Customer Rules will come out in early 2013. Also I believe you will find value in my free blog and my not free App. Information at: www.LeeCockerell.com
I agree, I find as I have gotten older that reading is a great thing, it stimulates my mind. Also thank you for the book recommendation. I am so looking forward to getting your new book when it is released.
I am reading “Creating Magic” now and it is a wonderful book. It speaks to me as a leader and reaffirms my leadership style. So many times I was told that I needed to be a stern leader and it never paid off. Your book shows those people why it does not work for all people!
Reading as much as you can is one of the easiest ways to being a better person. Have not read any of these books but they have now been added to the list. Thanks Lee.