Lesson Learned by Observing! Do YOU Get It?

Here is a note I received from a friend today.
Remember that everyone is always watching you and judging you.  This little girl just learned how important attention to detail is. Your people are your brand…..Appreciate them, Recognize them, and Encourage them…..Lee

Subject: I had to send this to you!

Lee … last May, my family visited Walt Disney World. As we were leaving for our hotel, I noticed a cast member cleaning out by the bus stops.

I have never seen someone pay such close attention to cleaning a TRASH CAN. My 6 year old daughter, Marisol said “Daddy, if they clean the trash cans like that … imagine how clean everything else is!”

I don’t know who this cast member is … but because of her, my daughter gets “it.”

Have a great week,


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