What Do You Stand For?

Does Everyone Know What You Stand For, and What You Won’t Stand For????

As a leader, you have to communicate what you stand for and what you won’t stand for.  People need to know clearly what your position is on different issues.  You need to be able to answer the tough questions.  You need to think about what your fellow employees are thinking about, and then make sure that you are addressing those things.

Standing up before your team and telling them your beliefs and position on issues is important.  Having a point of view is important.  Everyone may not agree with you, but he or she will respect you for having a clear point of view that you can articulate in a meaningful and understandable way.

On some issues, your personal opinion does not count.  On some issues, your point of view needs to be the company’s point of view, at least until you can get it changed.

You have a reputation to be sure.  Make sure that your reputation is a good one.  Make sure that you have a reputation for having a strong point of view and being able to articulate that point of view in such a way that your team understands where you are coming from and, whether they agree with you or not, that your point of view makes sense and has legs to stand on.

Don’t be a leader whose employees are saying behind your back they have no idea what you stand for or what you won’t stand for.   . . . Lee

1 Comment
  1. Lee,
    I am slowly convincing my team to buy into the customer service approach to doing things. My partner (he’s a 20-year crusty old-timer set in his ways) had an issue last night and he spent more time on the telephone than normal with the caller. After I asked him what happened, he said, “You and your damn customer service made me rethink the whole call!” If I am convincing him, then we’re off to a good start!

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