Good Friday Everyone
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I hope everyone had a good week. My mother taught me a lot. Some days I did not think she cared, especially when she was giving me some pretty tough feedback. Of course I learned that she cared 110% for me and that is why she gave me tough feedback. Think about how well you are doing this as you read the following letter from my mother. Have good weekend.
Dear Lee:
I love you, and I am so proud of you. Remember the times when I had to sit down and give you some tough feedback? I know you remember, but I know you also remember that after that feedback was over that I always told you that I loved you and that I was proud of you.
Being a leader is tough, and being a mother and a leader is really tough; but at the end of the day, mothers just do it because they are driven to do it. I hope these lessons are now clear to you, and I believe they are because I know that you did the same thing with your son; and he is now doing it with his children. My mom did it too, so I guess we all have learned the lesson of giving feedback.
Without feedback we don’t always understand behavior and actions properly. If we do something wrong and someone sees us and no one says anything, some people take that as an approval of the action. Before you know it, they have bad habits that are partly their fault—but also the fault of the person who had the opportunity to correct the behavior.
Remember that you don’t have to be able to prove it in court to give someone some feedback. Sometimes we have a thought about someone’s attitude, behavior, or performance; and we don’t really have the facts but it is in our mind. It is important if you are thinking something negative about someone that you discuss it with that person so it can get cleared up as you may be wrong; and if you don’t talk about it, you may be going around with incorrect impressions, which is not good for the other person or for you.
So tell all of your fellow associates that caring is sharing. . . .Mother
Thanks Larry…Always glad to hear your comments. Yes, she was working far ahead every day…Lee
A great crossover lesson that speaks far beyond the moment
Thanks Mike…Hope you all are well. I am flying to London today to pick up my 12 year old grandson and meet with my UK publisher…Best to Dotty…Lee
Your mom was so correct. A small hill can become a huge unclimbable mountain if we do not take the time to share and clear the air. Timely sharing is something that I have practiced for many years, and I highly recommend it.